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时间:2022-08-22 23:43:41




Technical Cooperation Agreement


Party A: XX Grease Chemical Co. , Ltd.

地址: XX高新技术工业园

Address: XXHigh-tech Industrial Park


Legal Representative: XXX


Party B:




This Agreement, concerning the setting up of a technical research and development team, is made according to the Contract Law of PRC regulations and entered into through equal negotiation by both Parties as the free and full expression of their own wishes to mutual benefits, and to this end both Parties shall abide by this Agreement as following.

第一条、 甲方同意雇用乙方为新产品研发技术顾问。乙方同意为甲方提供技术


Article 1: Party A hereby agrees to employ party B as the technical consultant for the new product research and development. Party B hereby agrees to offer technical consultation service to Part A.

第二条、 甲方同意每月支付乙方的研究费用,包括:薪资、办公费、检测费、


Article 2: Party A hereby agrees to pay Party B for the research each month, including salaries, administrative expenses, detection cost, traveling expenses and other cost associated.

第三条、 乙方有责任为甲方提供相关国内外技术及市场信息,并及时答复甲方


Article 3:Party B is responsible to provide relevant technical and market information home and abroad and is ready to answer any technical problem frequently asked by Party A.

第四条、 乙方有义务向甲方提供有关个人简历和相关证明材料,甲方要尊重乙


Article 4: Party B shall has the obligation to provide Party A with any relevant personal resume and reference documents as necessary. Party A shall respect the personal privacy of Party B and has the obligation to properly keep those materials.

第五条、 乙方同意所研发的产品所有知识产权归甲方所有,乙方不得将相关技


Article 5: Party B hereby agrees that the intellectual property of any product as researched and developed herein shall be owned by Party A. Party B shall not be allowed to disclose any technical information concerned to the third party, or it shall take all the legal consequences.

第六条、 甲乙双方同意通过紧密合作达到共同目标;每年增加一到三个项目;



Article 6: Both Parties agree to achieve their common goals by their close cooperation. It is planned to add one to three projects each year and to apply for one to three patents for inventions each year, to make one to two new products certified by experts each year, and to promote at least two products to the market each year.

第七条、 此协议甲乙双方各执一份,没有在协议中提到的事项双方需协商解决。 Article 7: This Agreement is held by both Parties, one for each respectively. Any issue not mentioned in this Agreement shall be settled by both Parties through negotiation.


This Agreement shall take effect from the date of signature.

甲方: 乙方:

Party A Party B:

签字: 签字:

Signature: Signature:

日期: 日期:

Date Date:


a New York Corporation


Date: 30 June, 20xx

Name of Client (“Client”): YYYY

Address of Client:

Client wishes to engage Company to perform certain translation services upon the terms and conditions of this Agreement. In consideration of this and the following mutual promises and covenants, and for other good and valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows:

1. Client wishes Company to perform and Company agrees to perform the Translation Services described in Exhibit A. All work performed by the Company shall be in accordance with industry standards.

2. Client shall pay Company for the Translation Services provided to Client in accordance with the pricing and the terms set forth in Exhibit A. In addition to these fees, Client shall reimburse Company for necessary out-of-pocket expenses incurred by Company that are not a normal part of routine translation procedures, such as overnight delivery requested by Client, long distance telephone and facsimile expenses to clarify document ambiguity, non-text document formatting, indexing of documents, bates and/or control numbering, large–scale photocopying, etc.

3. The parties acknowledge that due to inherent differences in language, words, terms and phrases specific to a culture, region, and/or country, it is not always possible to translate exactly from one language to another. Accordingly, while Company will make every effort to ensure an accurate translation, it makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the Translation Services.

4. In no event shall Company be liable to Client for any indirect, special or consequential damages or lost profits arising out of or related to this Translation Services Agreement or performance or breach hereof, even if Company has been advised of the possibility thereof. Company’s liability to Client under this Agreement, if any, shall not exceed the total of the fees paid to Company hereunder. Nothing in this Agreement will limit or exclude any liability for fraudulent misrepresentation.

5. This Agreement shall continue in full force and effect until terminated by either party. This Agreement may not be assigned by either party without the consent of the other. Any waiver by either party of a breach of any provision of this Agreement shall not operate, or be construed, as a waiver of any subsequent breach. No change, modification or waiver of any term

of this Agreement shall be valid unless it is in writing signed by both XXXX and Client. This agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter contained herein and supersedes all prior agreements of understanding between the parties. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York and Client agrees to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of the State of New York.

For XXXX Translations, Inc. For YYYY:

a New York corporation:

_____________________________ ____________________________ xxxxx Smith Signature

Vice President

____________________________ Dated: 30 June, 20xx Printed Name





Party A:

Party B:

Since Party A entrusts Party B to translate the relevant written document, two parties agree to sign the following translation agreement under each other’s friendly consultation:

1. Party A entrusts Party B to translate the relevant written document with a total characters of

________(blanks not included), and Party B shall translate the document into_______ language in accordance with Party A’s demand.

2. When Party B confirms to receive the relevant document, Party B shall complete and deliver the

corresponding translated document to Party A on_____(month)_____(day).

3. The translation fee shall be calculated in accordance with Chinese

characters (blanks not included); before Party B begins to carry out the relevant translation, Party A shall pay an advance payment RMB______ to Party B. When Party B delivers the entire translated document to Party A, Party A must pay off the entire remaining translation fee RMB_______(deducting the advance payment from the total translation fee). If any deferred payment occurs by Party A, Party A shall compensate the corresponding losses, and pay Party B with a late payment charge of 5% of the total translation fee per day.

4. Party B shall complete the translation work in time, and guarantee that the quality of the

translation. If Party A has any objection to the quality of translated document, Party A shall notice Party B in written form. Party B shall be responsible for correcting mistakes for free in the document translated within seven days after Party A’s receiving the translated document.

5. Party B shall keep confidentiality of any content of the documents provided by Party A and can

not disclose to any third party. Party B shall not dispose the original document and the

corresponding translated document in any form without authority of Party A.

6. Party B has right not to translate the document with unclear original test and blurred writing. If

it is necessary, Party A and Party B shall jointly consult the relevant special nouns.

7. Since the date of signing this agreement, both parties shall not terminate this agreement freely.

If a party causes the other party suffer losses, the party violating the agreement shall compensate the agreement value in double as a default penalty, and Party A and Party B shall reserve their respective litigious rights.

8. If there is any item not being referred in this agreement, Party A and Party B shall jointly

resolve the corresponding through consultation.

9. This agreement shall be valid after both parties’ signing or sealing in this agreement.

10. Any fax copy of this agreement shall be valid and effective.

This agreement is written in duplicates, one for each party.


party b (laborer) name: gender:

nationality: education degree:

户籍所在地: 省 县 乡(镇) 村 组

hukou: __________(provision) __________(county) ________township (town)___village _______group


id no. of party b:


correspondence address of party b:


to establish the labor relationship between the parties and clarify the rights and obligations of the parties, party a and party b hereby enter into the labor contract pursuant to the rules of the law, regulatory rules and rules and regulations of the labor law and the labor contract law through the equal and voluntariness consultations with the following terms and conditions for the parties to mutually abide by:

一、 合同期限

i. contract term

1、本合同为固定期限劳动合同,合同期限为 年(自200 年 月 日起至20 年 月 日止),其中试用期为 个月(自 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止)。

the contract is the fixed-term labor contract, with the contract term of ________(years) from (mm dd 200___ to mm dd 20___), herein the probation of the _______months( from mm dd yy to mm dd yy).


2.during the contract term, if the party b participates the training, and the bonded term of work (service) stipulated under the training agreement are over the contract term, the contract term is extended to the maturity of the agreed work (service) term under the training agreement.


ii. job descriptions and working place

1、乙方同意按甲方工作需要,从事 岗位(工种)工作,乙方应保质保量完成该岗位所承担的各项工作内容。乙方的工作地点在海盐县境内,

1. party b agrees to engage in_____________(post, work posts) according to needs of the party a. party b shall guarantee to finish the various working contents of the posts with quality and quantity. the location of party b is within the territory of the hanyan county.


party a may promote or demote the posts of party b and adjust the working post or location of party b according to production and working needs and the physical condition and working capacity and performance of party b and party b is willing to accept the arrangement of party a.

二、 工作时间和休假

iii. working hours and leaves

1、经甲、乙双方协商确认按下列第 条款执行工时制度。

after the mutual consultations of the parties, the working hour system shall be subject to the no.______ of the following:


perform the standard work hour system.


according to the manufacturing and operation feature of the industry, perform the comprehensive working hour system after approval of the labor security department.


party b is entitled to have the legal holidays stipulated by the country.


iv labor remuneration

1、乙方提供正常劳动,甲方确保支付乙方基本工资不低于 元/月;

party b provides the normal work and party a ensures that the basic salary paid to party b shall not be lower than rmb ________yuan/month.


regarding those who exercise the piece wage, their wage shall be based on the principle of “more pay for more work”. overtime work of party b shall be paid according to the rule.


if the point (review) or the annual pay salary system is performed, the salary shall be calculated according to the result of the performance appraisal.

4、乙方在试用期间的工资为 元/月。

the salary of party b during probation is rmb ________yuan/m.


party a may adjust the salary level of party b according to the operation condition, internal rules system, appraisal result, work tenure, punishment and rewards records and change of the post of party b etc. but it shall not be lower than the salary standards stipulated by the country.


party a shall pay the salary of party b by month in currency.


v labor discipline

1、 乙方对甲方依法制定的规章制度已经熟知,并严格遵照执行。

party b has been aware of the rules and regulations of party b stipulated according to the law and abide by it strictly.

2、 乙方应遵守职业道德,不得损害甲方利益。party b shall abide by the professional ethics which shall not injure the interests of party a.


vi social insurance and welfare

1、 甲方按国家和地方政策规定为乙方办理社会保险有关手续,并承担相应的义务。

party a shall deal with the relevant formalities of social security for party b according to the country and local policies and take up the relevant liabilities.

2、乙方的福利待遇按国家及甲方的规定执行。the welfare of party b shall be subject to the rules of the country and party a.


vii labor protection, labor condition and occupational harm prevention and cure 1、甲方根据生产岗位的需要,按照国家有关劳动安全、卫生的规定为乙方配备必要的安全防护措施,发放必要的劳保用品。

party a shall equip party b with the necessary safety protection measures and issue the necessary labor protection articles according to the needs of the post and the rules of the labor safety and hygiene.

2、 乙方在劳动过程中应当严格遵守安全操作规程,严禁违章作业,防止劳动过程中的事故,减少职业危害,并应自觉爱护甲方的工具等财产。

during the labor process, party b shall abide by the safety operation procedure to prevent the accidents during the labor process, decrease the occupational harm and consciously protect the assets such as the tools of the party a. it is strictly forbidden to make the operation by violating the rules.

3、甲方应当建立、健全职业病防治责任制度,加强对职业病防治的管理,提高职业病防治水平。party a shall set up and optimize the occupational disease cure responsibility system, enforce the management over the occupational disease and promote the cure level of the occupational disease.


viii. education and training


party a shall provide party b with the occupational education and skill training according to the actual condition of the company and relevant rules of the country on the occupational education and post permit. party b shall enter into the training agreement with party a additionally for the training taken.


ix. revocation, modification and termination of the labor contract


if the parties revoke, modify, terminate and extent the labor contract, they shall perform them according to the relevant rules of the labor contract law and the country, province and city etc.

3、 经甲乙双方协商一致,可变更合同相关内容,变更劳动合同,应当采用书面形式。

after the mutual consultations of the parties, the contract may be modified in writing.

4、 乙方符合《劳动合同法》第三十九条情形之一者,甲方有权解除劳动合同。

if party b has one of the circumstances under article 39 of the labor contract, party a is entitled to revoke the labor contract.

5、 乙方要求解除劳动合同,应当提前三十日(试用期内提前三日、专业人员提前六个月)以书面形式通知甲方,可以解除劳动合同。

if party b requires to revoke the labor contract, they shall inform party a in writing with thirty (30) day pre-notice (the person under probation needs a pre-notice of three(3) days and the professional people with the pre-notice of six months).


upon the revocation or termination of the labor contract, party a shall issue the certification for revocation or termination of the labor contract to party b and deal with the relevant formalities for the laborer within fifteen (15)days. party b shall make the work handover within ten (10) days after issuance by party a of the certificate of revocation or termination of the labor contract. regarding any economic compensation, they shall be paid upon the handover of the work according to the rules of the country.


x. responsibilities for violating the labor contract

1、本合同一经签订,甲乙双方应严格执行。任何一方违反规定解除劳动合同的,应当向对方赔偿因违约造成的经济损失。once the contract is entered into, the parties shall strictly perform it. regarding any party who violate the labor contract and raise the revocation, they shall compensate the other party for the economic losses arisen.

6、 乙方违约解除合同,在合同期间(含转岗)由甲方出资进行职业技术或提升培训的,按培训协议约定向甲方支付违约金;若无培训协议,按国家有关规定执行。

regarding party b who violates the contract to revokes the contract, during the contract term (including the post transfer), if party a invests in party b’s occupational technology or development training, party b shall pay the party b with the penalty according to the agreement. if there is no training agreement, it shall be subject to the relevant rules of the country.

3、乙方因违章作业或失职行为给甲方造成损失的,甲方有权追究乙方赔偿责任,并按违纪行为给予处理。if party b causes losses to party a due to the operation violating the rule or negligence behavior, party a is entitled to recourse party b with the compensation responsibilities and punish the violating behaviors.


xi . labor disputes settlement and miscellaneous



regarding the labor disputes arisen of the parties during the performance of the contract, they shall be solved through consultations or intervened by the trade union of the unit or applied for the medication from the labor dispute coordination committee in the town. regarding those who fail to reach the agreement or are not willing to be intermediated, they may file the arbitration from the labor dispute arbitration committee from hanyan country. regarding those who don’t agree with the arbitration, they may file the law suite from the people’s court.

7、 乙方不得泄露甲方的商业和技术秘密,不得利用甲方的技术或财物与他人研制产品。

party b shall not disclose the commercial and technology secrets of party b and shall not take advantage of party a’s technology or assets to develop the products with others.


party b promises his correspondence address of the contract shall be the address that party a sends the letters or mails to party b. if any letters or mails are not returned or undeliverable after party a sends them, it is deemed that they have arrived at party b.

8、 本合同依法订立即具有法律效力,双方必须严格履行。本合同未尽事宜或与今后国家、省有关规定相悖的,按有关规定执行。

the contract has the law force immediately after being executed and the parties shall perform it strictly accordingly. regarding the unsettled matters of the contract or anything contradicted with the rules of the country or the province in future, they shall be subject to the relevant rules.


the contract will come into force after signature or seal of the parties and be made in duplicate with each party holding one copy.

甲方(单位盖章) 乙方签字:

party a(seal of the unit) signature of party b:


signature of the legal representative



in accordance with relevant chinese laws、decrees and pertinent rules and regulations ,party a and party b have reached an agreement through friendly consultation to conclude the following contract.

一、 物业地址location of the premises

甲方将其所有的位于合肥经济技术开发区__________的厂房及其附属设施在良好状态下出租给乙方______ _____使用。具体见附件厂房平面图。

party a will lease to party b the premises and attached facilities all owned by party a itself, which is located at _______________________________________ __________________________ and in good condition for_____________ .concrete details in planimetric mapin contractschedule.

二、 物业状况


the registered size of the leased premises is_________square meters (gross size)。thestructureofpremisesis stealstructure;

三、 租赁期限lease term


the lease term will be from _____(month) _____(day) _______(year) to ________(month) _____(day) _______(year)。 party a will clear the premises and provide it to party b for use before _____(month) _____(day) _______(year)。

四、 租金rental

1.数额:双方商定租金为每月人民币_____________元整,乙方以___________形式支付给甲方 .

amount: the rental will be ____________per month. party b will pay the rental

to party a in the form of ____________in ________________.


payment of rental will be one installment everymonth(s)。 the first installment will be paid before_______(month)______(day)__________(year)。 each successive installment will be paid_____________each month.

party b will pay the rental before using the premises and attached facilities (in case party b pays the rental in the form of remittance, the date of remitting will be the day of payment and the remittance fee will be borne by the remitter.) party a will issue a written receipt after receiving the payment


in case the rental is more than ten working days overdue, party b will pay 0.5 percent of monthly rental as overdue fine every day, if the rental be paid 15 days overdue, party b will be deemed to have with drawn from the premises and breach the contract. in this situation, party a has the right to take back the premises and take actions against party b's breach.

五、 保证金deposit


guarantying the safety and good conditions of the premises and attached facilities and account of relevant fees are settled on schedule during the lease term, party b will pay _________to party a as a deposit before _____(month) _____(day) _______(year)。 party a will issue a written receipt after receiving the deposit.


unless otherwise provi

ded for by this contract, party a will return full amount of the deposit without interest on the day when this contract expires and party b clears the premises and has paid all due rental and other expenses.


in case party b breaches this contract, party a has right to deduct the default fine, compensation for damage or any other expenses from the deposit . in case the deposit is not sufficient to cover such items, party b should pay the insufficiency within ten days after receiving the written notice of payment from party a.

六、 甲方义务obligations of party a


party a will provide the premises and attached facilities (see the appendix of furniture list for detail) on schedule to party b for using.


in case the premise and attached facilities are damaged by quality problems, natural damages or disasters, party a will be responsible to repair and pay the relevant expenses.


party a will guarantee the lease right of the premises. otherwise, party a will be responsible to compensate party b's losses.


七、 乙方义务obligations of party b


party b will pay the rental, the deposit and other expenses on time.


party b may decorate the premises and add new facilities with party a's approval. when this contract expires, party b may take away the added facilities which are removable without changing the good conditions of the premises for normal use.


party b will not transfer the lease of the premises without party a's approval and should take good care of the premises. otherwise, party b will be responsible to compensate any damages of the premises and attached facilities caused by its fault and negligence.


party b will use the premises lawfully according to this contract without changing the nature of the premises and storing hazardous materials in it. otherwise, party b will be responsible for the damages caused by it


party b will bear the cost of utilities such as communications, water, electricity, gas, management fee etc. on time during the lease term.


party b will signe the agreement of premises management with the management company which was employed by party b itself,and bear the management itself.


without the approval of party a,party b can‘t decorate the premises ,make advertisement etc.on the outwall.

八、 合同终止及解除的规定termination and dissolution of the contract


within two months before the contract expires, party b will notify party a if it intends to extend the leasehold. in this situation, two parties will discuss matters over the extension.


when the lea

se term expires, party b will return the premises and attached facilities to party a within days. any belongings left in it without party a's previous understanding will be deemed to be abandoned by party b. in this situation, party a has the right to dispose of it and party a will raise no objection.


this contract will be effective after being signed by both parties. any party has no right to terminate this contract without another party's agreement. anything not covered in this contract will be discussed separately by both parties

九、 违约及处理breach of the contract


during the lease term, any party who fails to fulfill any article of this contract without the other party's approval will be deemed to breach the contract. both parties agree that the default fine will be________________. in case the default fine is not sufficient to cover the loss suffered by the faultless party, the party in breach should pay additional compensation to the other party.


十、争议解决dispute resolve


both parties will solve the disputes arising from execution of the contract or in connection with the contract through friendly consultation. in case the agreement cannot be reached, any party may summit the dispute to the court that has the jurisdiction over the matter.

十一、免责条件exception clause


in the event of the reason caused byforce majeuremake the contract not perform or probuct any loss,party a or party b will not bear the obligations each other.

2、因国家政策需要拆除或改造已租赁的房屋,给甲、乙双方造成损失的,互不承担责任。if the loss of both parties caused by remove or recontructive the premies due to national policies, party a or party b will not bear the obligations each other.


in the event of the reason mentioned above, payment of rentalwill becounted at the actual months or actual days if it don‘t reach a full month.



any annex is the integral part of this contract. the annex and this contract are equally valid.


there are 2 originals of this contract. each party will hold 1 original(s)。


the chinese language version and the english language version of this agreement shall have equal legal effect. in the event of conflict, the chinese language version of this agreement shall prevail.


other special terms will be listed bellows:



甲 方:

party a


id no



电 话:


代 理 人:



Advertisers: (hereinafter referred to as Party B)

After friendly consultation between Party A and B, in accordance with the principle of mutual benefit and mutual benefit, the following articles are reached on Party A's propaganda and planning on Party B's entrustment:

Article 1: Party A entrusts Party B to publicity planning project: _________________________


The second article: the principle of propaganda and planning

Party B provides the whole process of publicity and planning, including advertising planning and design services, providing reference for Party A's market positioning and market area and serving for decision-making.

The third one: the way of agency

Party a commissioned party B to complete the whole process of propaganda and planning, and entrusted the plane design, advertising agency and other business, fully responsible for the project publicity and planning.

Fourth: the rights and obligations of Party A

1. In the agreed period, Party B should be required to submit the relevant propaganda and planning scheme, and the Party A will assist the organization after the confirmation of the market investigation.

2, it has the right to require Party B to provide written opinions and suggestions from the angle of planning within the scope of the Commission.

3, Party B will be required to provide Party A with planning plans and adjustment of propaganda strategies and suggestions.

4, to approve the overall propaganda strategy formulated by Party B, and to bear all the costs related to publicity and promotion, advertising and so on.

5, payment shall be paid in accordance with the agreement of the contract with Party B for the payment of the publicity and planning fee and on time.

The fifth, the rights and obligations of Party B

1, the party shall have the right to pay the publicity and planning fee in accordance with the requirements of the contract.

2, in accordance with the requirements of Party A and the different stages of the project progress, put forward the advertising plan, after the approval of Party A to organize the implementation.

3, Party B provides:

The newspaper project soft article writing; the project, all kinds of exhibitions, promotions, activities planning.

4, bear the claim or other legal liability caused by Party B's fault.

Sixth: the term of agency

Party A entrusts Party B publicity planning period is divided into: ______ years ___ month ___ to ______ ___ ___ date month year;

Seventh: standard and mode of payment for project publicity and planning

1, publicity planning fees totaling $________ yuan (capital ______________________).

2, after the signing of this contract, Party A will pay to Party B RMB ____________ whole (capital ___________________________) for payment.

3, after the end of the contract, Party A shall pay the balance, namely RMB ____________________ whole (capital ________________________).

The eighth article: liability for breach of contract

1. Party A is responsible for all the losses caused by Party A's failure to provide relevant license and relevant legal documents and preferential policies for activities.

2. If the Party B does not provide the plan of publicity and planning in time because of Party B's reasons, Party A shall investigate the responsibility or terminate the contract.

3. Party A shall have the right to rescind the contract if Party A fails to pay Party B publicity and planning fees according to the agreement.

4. In the course of cooperation, the other party has the right to require the other party to bear the related economic loss by disclosing the business secrets or providing the relevant information to the third party.

5, any party to terminate the contract without authorization to suspend unilateral breach of contract or shall be borne by the defaulting party, must therefore have caused losses to the observant party and liability for breach of contract.

6, in the execution of this contract, if there is a force majeure factor affecting the execution of the relevant provisions, it shall be settled by the two sides and properly resolved. It is not a breach of contract to terminate the contract or change the relevant provisions of the contract on the basis of the agreement between the two parties.

Ninth: Annex

1, both parties may supplement the terms of this contract and sign a supplementary agreement in written form. The supplementary agreement has the same legal effect as this contract.

2. The annexes of this contract are all valid parts of the contract and have the same effect.

3. All matters not specified in this contract and its annexes and supplementary agreements are carried out in accordance with the relevant laws, regulations and regulations of the People's Republic of China.

4. The contract is two copies, each party and Party B has one copy, all with the same legal effect.

5. In the event of a dispute in the performance of this contract, the parties shall settle the dispute by negotiation, negotiation or adjustment, and the parties agree to be arbitrated by the Arbitration Commission.

6. The contract will terminate naturally after the expiration of the contract. If the two parties renew the contract, they shall make a written opinion to the other party seven days before the expiration of the contract.

7. This contract shall come into force on the date of signature or seal of the representatives of the two parties.

Party A: Party B:

Representative: (signature) representative: (signature)

Date: day and date: day and day


单 位:(下简称甲方)






















甲方委托乙方宣传策划期限分为: ______年___月___日至______年___月___日止;




















甲 方:乙 方:


日期:年 月日 日期: 年 月 日



Party B: Address:


According to the provisions of the contract law of the People's Republic of China and the relevant laws and regulations, Party B accepts the entrustment of the first party and entrustment with the two parties through consultation.

First, entrustment:

Two, the way of payment:

1, Party A shall pay 40% of the total cost of the contract, namely ____ yuan (RMB) to Party B, Party B received the money after the start of design.

2. Party B shall provide complete design draft. After confirmation by Party A, the total amount of the total cost shall be paid.

Three. Design time:

1, Party B shall provide complete design draft in __ working days.

2, Party B shall complete the design work of party a company commissioned in _____ years __ month __ day (delay time by party a reason, work time should be postponed).

Four. The responsibilities and obligations of the two parties:

1, Party B shall, according to the requirements of Party A to finish the related work on time.

2, Party A has the responsibility to fully cooperate with Party B to carry out the work stipulated in this contract and provide relevant information according to the needs of Party B. Party A is responsible for the consequences caused by Party A's delay in the required information.

3. Party A shall provide complete design information before the start of the design, due to Party A's provision of incomplete information and changes in content.

For structural changes, Party A shall pay the corresponding cost of design changes.

4. After Party B receives the complete design information of Party A, it is designed to facilitate the determination of the style of Party A, and Party B begins to design the first draft after the style is determined.

5, Party A has the right to put forward amendments to the works designed by Party B. The first draft Party A can make a structural modification. After the first draft is determined, the structural modifications should be made. Party A shall pay the corresponding cost separately.

6. The consequences of the delay due to the amendment of Party A shall be borne by Party A.

7, due to the loss caused by post production by Party A alone, the loss caused by problems in the design of the product is borne by Party B. The legal liability caused by copyright, for the economic disputes shall be borne by Party a..

8. During the course of the project, Party B is attached to the brand of Party A and shall not sign any form of cooperation agreement with the customer in the identity of Party B.

Five. The agreement on intellectual property rights:

1, Party B has the copyright of the works completed by the design. After the settlement of all the fees designed by Party A, Party B may transfer the copyright of the works to Party A.

2. Before Party A has not paid all the cost of the design, the copyright of the works designed by Party B shall be attributed to Party B, and Party A does not have any right to the work.

3. Party A shall have the right to investigate the legal liability of Party A if it uses or amends the works designed by Party B before the payment is not paid.

Six. Liability for breach of contract:

1, Party A terminates the contract before the completion of the first draft of the design work. The prepaid expenses have no right to request the return. If a party terminates the contract after the completion of the first draft of Party B's work, it shall pay the full design fee.

2. If Party B terminates the contract without proper reasons, the fees charged shall be returned to Party A.

Seven, if a party or a party has a dispute over the performance of this contract, it shall be settled amicable through negotiation. If either party fails to negotiate, any Party A and B can submit it to the Beijing Arbitration Commission for arbitration.

Eight, the contract is effective from the date of signature by Gai Zhang and both parties. The contract is two copies in one form. Each party has one contract signed by the other party (Gai Zhang), which has the same legal effect.

Nine. If there is no matter in this contract, the two parties shall jointly discuss and supplement the contract. The contents of the supplement and modification are equally valid to this contract.

Party A: Party B:

(signature seal) (signature seal)

Date: Date:









1、甲方需在合同签订之时支付总费用的40% ,即____元(人民币)给乙方,乙方收到甲方的款项后开始设计。




2、乙方需在_____年__月__日完成甲方公司委托的设计工作 (由甲方原因耽误的时间,完稿时间应顺延)。









7、由于后期制作造成的损失由甲方独自承担,由于制作物设计出现问题造成的损失由乙方承担。 因版权、文责所引发的法律责任,经济纠纷由甲方承担。












地址 Address

Tel: Fax:

卖方 The Seller:

地址: Address

Tel: Fax:


This Contract is made by and between the Buyers and Sellers, whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:

(1) 货名及规格 Commodity & Specification

(2) 数量 Qty.

(3) 单价 Unit Price

(4) 总价Total Amount




(8) 到货目的地:DESTINATION:

(9) 保险: INSURANCE:


All Risks and War Risk for 110% contract value to be covered by the Seller.

(10) 运输方式:TERM OF SHIPMENT: 空运 By air

(11) 包装:PACKING:


To be packed in new strong wooden case(s) suitable for long distance air/land transportation and well protected from dampness, moisture, shock, rust and rough handling. The Sellers shall be liable for any damage to the goods on account of improper packing and for any rust damage and break damage attributable to inadequate or improper protective measures taken by the Sellers, and in such case or cases any and all losses and / or expenses incurred in consequence thereof shall be borne by the Sellers. One full set of service and operation manuals concerned shall be enclosed in the case(s). The wood packaging the Seller used shall be fumigated and marked with “IPPC” on the surface of wood packaging.



On the surface of each package, the package number, measurements, gross weight, net weight, the lifting positions, such cautions as “THIS SIDE UP”, “HANDLE WITH CARE”,“KEEP AWAY FROM MOISTURE” and the following shipping mark:


100%的合同金额通过电汇支付。100% contract value by T/T.


The Buyer shall pay 100% advance payment to the Seller within two week after contract effected.

(14) 单据:Documents,

1. 正本空运单(收货人联),标明“运费已付”及唛头,买方为收货人及通知方。

Original Airway Bill (copy for Consignee) marked “freight prepaid” and shipping mark, consign to and notify the Buyer.

2. 涵盖100%合同金额的商业发票三正三副,注明合同号、唛头。

Commercial invoice covering 100% of contract amount in 3 originals and 3 copies, indicating contract number, shipping mark.

3. 装箱单三正三副,注明毛、净重、尺码和所装货物的包装形式及数量。

Detailed Packing List in 3 originals and 3 copies indicating both gross and net weights, measurements and packing condition and quantity of each item packed.

4. 卖方出具的质量及数量证书正本三份。

Certificate of quality and quantity issued by seller in 3 originals.

5. 卖方出具的原产地证书一正一副。

Certificate of origin in 1 original and 1 copy issued by Seller.

6. 货物装运后24小时内卖方发给买方装运通知传真复印件一份。

Copy of fax from seller to the buyer advising the particulars of shipment within 24 hours after shipment is made.

7. 保险单或保险证明一正一副,按照合同金额110%投保一切险及战争险。

Insurance Policy or Certificate for 110% contract value, covering All Risks and War Risk in 1 original and 1 copy.

8. 卖方声明外包装表面标有IPPC标识证书正本一份, 或卖方出具的非木质包装证明正本

Seller’s Certificate in 1 original certifying IPPC has been marked on surface of the wooden cases / seller’s Certificate certifying no wood package is used in the shipment.


The Sellers shall fax to the Buyer the Readiness Notification one week before the goods to be shipped.


The Sellers shall, immediately upon the completion of the loading of the goods in 24 hours, send the Buyers Air Waybill, Invoice and Packing list by fax.



Losses shall be borne by the Sellers in case the Sellers don’t inform the Buyers of the above shipping status on time.


卖方保证订货系用最上等的材料和头等工艺制成,全新的,未曾使用过的, 并完全符合本合同规定的质量、规格和性能。卖方并保证本合同订货在正确安装、正常使用和维修的情况下,自安装之日起十二个月或货物装运之日起十五个月内运转良好,以先到期者为准。由于人为造成的、易损易磨件除外。

The Sellers shall guarantee that for a period of 12 months calculated from the date of installation or 15 months starting from the date of shipment, whichever is the earlier. Faults due to mal-operation as well as wear and tear parts are excluded.




Should the Sellers fail to make delivery on time as stipulated in the Contract, with the exception of Force Major causes specified in Clause 16 of this Contract, the Buyers shall agree to postpone the delivery on condition that the Sellers agree to pay a penalty which shall be deducted by the paying bank from the payment under negotiation. The penalty, however, shall not exceed 5% of the total value of the goods involved in the late delivery, the rate of penalty is charged at 0.5% for every seven days, odd days less than seven days should be counted as seven days. In case the Sellers fail to make delivery ten weeks later than the time of shipment stipulated in the Contract, the Buyers shall have the right to cancel the contract and the Sellers, in spite of the cancellation, shall still pay the aforesaid penalty to the Buyers without delay. The buyer shall have the right to lodge a claim against the seller for the losses sustained if any.


如发现货物的品质、数量/重量与本合同不符, 买方有权在货物到达目的地后60天内根据中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫局出具的商检证书向卖方提出索赔。由承运人和保险公司负责的赔偿除外。

If the quality and/or quantity/weight be found not in conformity with the present contract, the Buyer shall be entitled to lodge claims with the Seller on the basis of the Certificate issued by China Exit and Entrance Inspection and Quarantine Bureau within 60 days after the goods arrival in the destination. With the exception, however, of those claims for which the carrier and/or insurance company are to be held responsible.

(19) 人力不可抗拒事故:FORCE MAJEURE:


The Sellers shall not be held responsible for any delay in delivery or non-delivery of the goods duo to Force Majeure. However, the Sellers shall advise the Buyers immediately of such occurrence and

within fourteen days thereafter, shall send by airmail to the buyers for their acceptance a certificate

issued by the competent government authorities of the place where accident occurs as evidence

thereof. Under such circumstances the Sellers, however, are still under the obligation to take all

necessary measures to hasten the delivery of the goods. In case the accident lasts for more than ten

weeks, the Buyers shall have the right to cancel this Contract.



All disputes arising from the execution of or in connection with this contract, shall be settled amicably through friendly negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached through negotiation the case shall then be submitted to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission in Shanghai arbitration in accordance with The Rules of Arbitration of China International Economic & Trade Commission. The award rendered by the said commission shall be final and binding upon both parties.

(21)通知 NOTICE


All notice shall be written in Chinese or English and served to both parties by fax/courier according to the addresses shown in this contract. If any changes of the addresses occur, one party shall inform the other party of the change of address within 3 days after the change.




签约地点: signed at:


地址:address: 邮政编码:postal code:

电话:tel: 传真:fax:


地址:address: 邮政编码:postal code:

电话:tel: 传真:fax:


the sellers agrees to sell a nd the buyer agrees to buy the undermentioned goods on the terms a nd conditions stated below.

1 货号 article no.

2 品名及规格 description&specification

3 数量 quantity

4 单价 unit price

5 总值:


total amount

with _____% more o r less both in amount a nd quantity allowed at the sellers option.

6 生产国和制造厂家 country of origin a nd manufacturer

7 包装: packing:

8 唛头: shipping marks:

9 装运期限:time of shipment:

10 装运口岸:port of loading:

11 目的口岸:port of destination:

12 保险:由卖方按发票全额110%投保至_____为止的_____险。

insurance:to be effected by buyers for 110% of full invoice value covering _____ up to _____ only.

13 付款条件:

买方须于_____年_____月_____日将保兑的,不可撤销的,可转让可分割的即期信用证开到卖方。 信用证议付有效期延至上列装运期后15天在中国到期,该信用证中必须注明允许分运及转运。


by confirmed, irrevocable, transferable a nd divisible l/c to be available by sight draft to reach the sellers before ___/___/_____ a nd to remain valid for ingotiation in china until 15 days after the aforesaid time of shipment. tje l/c must specify that transhipment a nd partial shipments are allowed.

14 单据:documents:

15 装运条件:terms of shipment:

16 品质与数量、重量的异义与索赔:quality/quantity discrepancy a nd claim:

17 人力不可抗拒因素:


force majeure:

either party shall not be held responsible for failure o r delay to perform all o r any part of this agreement due to flood, fire, earthquake, draught, war o r any other events which could not be predicted, controlled, avoided o r overcome by the relative party. however, the party affected by the event of force majeure shall inform the other party of its occurrence in writing as soon as possible a nd thereafter send a certificate of the event issued by the relevant authorities to the other party within 15 days after its occurrence.

18 仲裁:



all disputes arising from the execution of this agreement shall be settled through friendly consultations. in case no settlement can be reached, the case in dispute shall then be submitted to the foreign trad arbitration commission of the china council for the promotion of international trade for arbitration in accordance with its provisional rules of procedure. the decesion made by this commission shall be regarded as final a nd binding upon both parties. arbitration fees shall be borne by the losing party, unless otherwise awarded.

19 备注:remark:

卖方: sellers: 买方:buyers:

签字:signature: 签字: signature:


本合约由买卖双方于公元 年 月 日共同签订。

this contract is made entered ---------, -----XX. by a nd between:

the seller卖方

company 公司名称 :

address 公司地址 :

tel no. 电话号码 :

fax no. 传真号码 :

e-mail 电子邮件 :

the buyer 买方

company 公司名称 :

address 公司地址 :

tel no. 电话号码 :

fax no. 传真号码 :

e-mail 电子邮件 :

the seller herewith sell a nd the buyer herewith purchase iron ore lump accordance with the specifications a nd quality described in this contract (hereinafter called good)。


whereas each of the persons executing this agreement on behalf of the seller a nd on behalf of buyer respectively, do each represent that he/she has the full authority from the respective company to execute this agreement. a nd that the seller company a nd buyer company hereto each agree to be bound by the terms a nd conditions stated herein.


the seller shall sell a nd deliver, a nd the buyer shall buy a nd accept delivery of:


1. name of commodity:iron ore lump as per detailed specification below.


2. country of origin:indonesia.


3. unit price:usd. ___.00 per dmt, cnf___port, china


quantity:total contract quantity : ___dmt +/- 10% / year .


quantity / shipment : ___dmt +/- 10 %, (partial shipment allowed by ___dmt x _vessel)

出货量:___万吨干吨/月+/- 10 %, (允许分批装船___吨 x _vessel )

5. contract total value合约总值:

subject price variations a nd quantity as stated herein, the value of the contract us. dollar ___.- only.


for first contract for usd ____/dmt

第一次合同总额:美元 ____/干吨

discharging port卸货港口:

__port, china


7. delivery date起运日期:

shipment will commence within 45 days after receiving the l/c.


8. loading port装载港:

_____port indonesia


9. advice of shipment装运通知:

seller to notify buyer within 3 days after completion of loading giving details number, name of commodity, gross weight, loading date, name of vessel, approximate invoice value, a nd etx at discharge port.


10. payment terms & procedures付款条件及程序:

after contract sign, the selling party is open by first-rate bank in 3 workdays a can’t cancel of fulfill contract and performance bond, with 2% of the total payment amount. the buyer receives to fulfill contract to protect the letter, being opened a list by the bank of china in 7 workdays the irrevocable, transferable confirmed “at sight” documentary letter of credit, the amount of money is 100% of the total payment, from open a day valid for 60 days, a nd should in the selling party bank in time 95% documents against payment in counter. 5% payment of the surplus, at the arrival of the goods purpose harbor, business the both parties examine the report at the port of discharge ciq result to settle accounts. pb open once receive l/c, l/c shall automatic active once pb open. has the ciq to report in 10 work days, business the both parties settle accounts the tail style with the method of t/t.

合同签订之后,卖方在3个工作日内由第一流银行开出不可撤销的履约保函,金额为总货款金额的2%;买方收到履约保函,在7个工作日内由中国的银行开出不可撤销、可转让,确认信用证,金额为总货款的100%,从开证之日起60天内有效,信用证应在卖方银行柜台95%付款交单。剩余的5%货款,在货物到达目的港,买卖双方以卸货港ciq 检验报告结果来结算。pb开立一次信用证,pb将自动积极一次启动信用证。出具ciq报告10个工作天内,买卖双方以t/t方式结算尾款。

11.documents required for payment付款所需单证:

(1) signed commercial invoice indicating the contract number, name of the carrying vessel a nd b/l number ,the l/c number ,3 originals a nd 3 copies.


(2) full set (3/3) of original clean on-board bills of lading made out to order; blank endorsed a nd marked “freight prepaid”, indicating the name of the carrying vessel with the buyer as the “notifying party”.

全套(3/3)正本已装船清洁提单; 空白背书,标有“运费预付”写明装运船的名称,买方作为“通知方”

(3) certificate of quantity certificate issued by sgs (pt.sucofindo) at the port of loading. : 1 original a nd 3 copies.


(4) certificate of origin issued by the chamber of commerce in the country of the loading:

1 original a nd 1 copy..


the bank charge(s) for the issuance of the letter of credit shall be borne by the buyer. the bank charge(s) after the issuance of the letter of credit shall be borne by the seller. the bank charge(s) for amendment of the letter of credit, if any, shall be borne by the responsible party.


upon completion of the loading, the seller shall advise the buyer the contract number, name of the commodity, weight, a nd invoice value, name of the carrying vessel, b/l number a nd date by fax within three working days from b/l date.


12. banking information银行资料:

the sellers & buyers banking details卖方与买方之银行资料明细

buyer’s bank information买方银行信息

issuing bank开证银行

bank name 银行名称:

address 银行地址:

tel no. 银行电话:

fax no. 银行传真:

acct. holder 开户名称:

account no. 账号:

swift 密押:

seller’s bank information卖方银行信息

bank name 银行名称 :

address 银行地址 :

tel no. 银行电话 :

fax no. 银行传真 :

acct. holder 开户名称 :

account no. 账号 :

swift 密押 :

13.chemical composition a nd physical properties of commodity sold:


chemical composition 化学成分 %

total fe 铁 65 basis(标准值)

sio2 二氧化硅 3.0 basis(标准值)

al2o3 三氧化二铝 3.0 basis(标准值)

mgo 镁 0.5 basis(标准值)

na 钠 0.5 basis(标准值)

tio2 二氧化钛 0.6 basis(标准值)

phosphorous(p)磷 0.05 basis(标准值)

sulfur(s)硫 0.05 basis(标准值)

moisture 湿气含量 8 basis(标准值)

size 尺寸:100-300 mm 100% basis(标准值)

16. without any penalty to buyer买方不须负担任何罚款:

seller then to offer another cargo that complies with contract terms, time being of the essence o r the buyer has the right to cancel the contract, a nd in that event under clauses in sections 15 the seller shall pay all the penalty to buyer include the fees of the discharge port.



the invoice weight shall be determined by draft survey at load port, certified by sgs (pt.sucofindo)/ciq at sellers expense, after adjustment to obtain quantity (see below). weight as obtained at load port, in the above manner shall be final a nd accepted by seller a nd buyer.

发票上的实际重量应以船舶在装货港的吃水鉴定作为货品实际重量,鉴定报告是由sgs (pt.sucofindo)/ciq以实际货量调整额为基准所开出,费用由卖方负担,此一数量额为买卖双方共同所接受。

buyer shall be entitled, at its own expense, to have his representative present at the draft survey, a nd any difference of opinion is to be settled by the master of the charter vessel, whose decision shall be final.


buyer shall be entitled to have draft survey conducted by sgs o r another independent international inspection agency at the discharge port, at its own expense.

买方亦有权以自费方式,由sgs (pt.sucofindo)或其它国家检验公证机构于卸货港实施船身吃水鉴定。

18.chemical analysis化学成分分析:

the chemical composition of the cargo shall be determined by an independent international agency at load port, seller cost.


19. moisture content水分含量:

the moisture content shall be determined by obtaining the moisture loss at 105 degrees centigrade. if the moisture loss exceeds 8 % seller shall adjust the final weight obtained from draft survey by the excess moisture content so found, a nd invoice only the resulting net weight.


20. sampling a nd analysis抽样及分析:

all sampling a nd analysis relevant to the contract terms shall be conducted at load port.


supposing the cargo gets any discrepancy between the inspection at discharge port a nd the sgs (pt.sucofindo)/ciq(according to the agreement). the ending result by ciq for this contract.

若买方在卸货港检验时与卖方的sgs (pt.sucofindo)/ciq证明(符合合约规范)有所差异时,以ciq检验为最终检验标准结果。

21.title to cargo货物所有权:

the title with respect to the shipment shall pass from the seller to the buyer when the seller receives reimbursement of the proceeds from the opening bank through the negotiating bank against the relative shipping documents as forth herein. the seller shall have full right a nd title to dispose of the cargo in any manner that he should think fit, if the payment is delayed o r any unreasonable objection is raised by the opening o r negotiating bank.


22. inspection检测:

draft survey weight at loading port certified by sgs (pt.sucofindo) at the loading port shall be final subject to 0.5% franchise against b/l weight.

in case, there is a difference in weight compared to b/l weight exceeding 0.5%, buyer o r seller will compensate the amount in excess o r shortage (including 0.5%). seller may appoint a surveyor at discharging port at the seller’s expense. inspection certificates issued by ciq at the discharging port shall be deemed as final. all compensation amounts in excess o r shortage between the buyer a nd the seller will be paid within 7 (seven) banking days.


签约地点: signed at:


地址:address: 邮政编码:postal code:

电话:tel: 传真:fax:


地址:address: 邮政编码:postal code:

电话:tel: 传真:fax:


the sellers agrees to sell and the buyer agrees to buy the undermentioned goods on the terms and conditions stated below:

1 货号 article no.

2 品名及规格 description&specification

3 数量 quantity

4 单价 unit price

5 总值:


total amount

with _____% more or less both in amount and quantity allowed at the sellers option.

6 生产国和制造厂家 country of origin and manufacturer

7 包装: packing:

8 唛头: shipping marks:

9 装运期限:time of shipment:

10 装运口岸:port of loading:

11 目的口岸:port of destination:

12 保险:由卖方按发票全额110%投保至_____为止的_____险。

insurance:to be effected by buyers for 110% of full invoice value covering _____ up to _____ only.

13 付款条件:

买方须于_____年_____月_____日将保兑的,不可撤销的,可转让可分割的即期信用证开到卖方。 信用证议付有效期延至上列装运期后15天在中国到期,该信用证中必须注明允许分运及转运。


by confirmed, irrevocable, transferable and divisible l/c to be available by sight draft to reach the sellers before ___/___/_____ and to remainvalid for ingotiation in china until 15 days after the aforesaid time of shipment. tje l/c must specify that transhipment and partial shipments are allowed.

14 单据:documents:

15 装运条件:terms of shipment:

16 品质与数量、重量的异义与索赔:quality/quantity discrepancy and claim:17 人力不可抗拒因素:


borrower: ________________

address: _________________

lender: __________________

address: _________________

in accordance with provisions of contract law of the peoples republic of china and bank of china, after reviewing the status and the request of the borrower, the lender agrees to grant the borrower a line of credit on . the borrower, lender and guarantor, through friendly negotiation, have executed this contract as follows:

article 1 currency, amount and term of the loan:

1. the currency under this loan is reiminbi.

2. the line of the loan is yuan.

3. the period of this loan is 12 months from the date of effectiveness of this contract.

article 2 the purpose of the loan:

1. the purpose of this loan is used for working capital turnover.

2. without written approval of the lender, the borrower could not use the loan out of the scope of the purpose.

article 3 interest rate and calculation of interest:

1. interest rate: the interest rate shall be [***] during the loan term, if the countrys related authority adjusted the interest rate or the manner of calculation of interest, the interest of this contract shall be adjusted accordingly after one year from the date of execution of this contract. the adjustment shall be conducted when the interest rate are executed one year.it is not obliged to inform the borrower when the adjustment of interest.

2. the interest shall be calculated from the date of first drawdown and the actual days the borrower use. one year shall be calculated as 360 days.

3. the payment of interests: the borrower shall pay the interests per quarter. the payment date shall be , and. if the payment for the last installment is not on the payment date,the interests shall deduct the interest from the bank account of the borrower. in the event that the borrower fails to pay the interests on time and the balance of the account of the borrower is not enough for the payment of interest, the lender shall have rights to collect a penalty being [***] of the outstanding amount per day for the borrowers breach of contract.

article 4 overdue interests and misusing interests

1. if the borrower fails to repay the loan and can not reach a agreement with the lender regarding the extension, the lender shall collect an overdue penalty for [***] of the overdue amount per day.

2. if the borrower fails to uses the loan in accordance with the provisions set forth in this contract, the lender shall have right to charge a interests for the misusing part at a rate of [***] per day.

article 5 account

the borrower shall open reiminbi basic account and/or foreign currency account at the lender or lenders branch for the use of draw-down, repayment,payment of interests and fees.

article 6 draw-down

1. the loan under this contract is revolving, the balance of this contract shall not more than the line of credit.

2. the borrower shall send a draw-down application as the form herein attached in this contract 7 days before the date of draw-down.

3. the borrower shall not draw the loan less than 1 million.

article 7 conditions for draw-down

the following conditions shall be satisfied in advance of the draw-down date:

1. the borrower has opened foreign account and reiminbi account at the office of the lender or the branch of the lender;

2. this contract and the appendices have been effective;

3. the borrower has provided the recognition of the investment or certificate of the investment to the lender;

4. the borrower has provided the board resolution and power of attorney regarding this loan contract;

5. the borrower has provided the list and the signature sample of the authorized person who empower to sign this contract and documents;

6. the guaranty under this contract has been effective;

7. the borrower has been satisfied the warrants under article 11 of this contract;

8. the other requirement for the draw-down have been satisfied.

article 8 repayment plan and prepayment

1. the borrower shall repay the loan in accordance with the status of its cash. the borrower shall inform the lender the payment amount and date [***] prior to make the payment. the borrower shall be obliged to repay the principal and related interests on due date without any condition.

2. the payment made by the borrower and the deduction from the account of the borrower shall be used for repaying the interest at first and then for repaying the principal.

3. in the event the borrower fails to repay the loan, the lender shall have rights to deduct the debt from the bank account of the borrower at the lender or empower the branches of the lender to deduct the debt from the bank account of the borrower at the lenders branches;

4. the installment of repayment shall not less than 1 million.

article 9 debt certificate

the lender shall keep record in the lenders account for the principal,interests and fees and other fees of the borrower under this contract; the above mentioned record and the documentation for the draw-down, repayment and payment of interest is the certificates of the debts between the borrower and the lender.

article 10 guaranty

1. (the 'guarantor') shall be the guarantor for the loan under this contract and take jointly liabilities.

2. during the term of this contract, if the guarantors financial status become deteriorated or the liabilities for repayment of debts become weak, the lender shall have right to request the borrower changes guarantor orprovide mortgage and pawn secured for this loan under this contract.

article 11 representations and warranties

i. the borrowers represents and warrants as follows:

1. the borrower is a company duly organized and validly existing under the law of the peoples republic of china and has the power and authority to own its property to consummate the transactions contemplated in this contract and join the litigation. the borrower has the power to handle it assets used in operation.

2. the borrower is at its option to sign and perform this contract.it is the borrowers true meaning and has the power to sign this contract and it is not breach it article of association or regulations or contracts. the procedure for signature and performance of this contract has been gone through and fully effectiveness.

3. the all documents, materials, reports and certificates provided to the lender by the borrower for consummation of this contract is true, real, compete and effective

4. the borrower shall not conceal the following events which is being happened or have been happened which will cause the lender refuse to extend the loan:

(1) the borrower or the principal executives of the borrower involve in material events which breach regulations, laws or compensation to others;

(2) pending actions and arbitration;

(3) the borrowers debts or proposed debts or liens and other encumbrances;

(4) the other matters will impact the financial status or abilities of repayment for the debts;

(5) the borrower breached contract which is between the borrower and other creditors.

ii. the borrower hereby warrants as follows:

1. using the capital of the loan as usage set forth in this contract, the borrower will not use the loan as equity investment; the borrower will not use the capital of the loan invest in security, future, real estate etc. the borrower will not lend to the others privately or involving other maters which is prohibited by the country. the borrower will not misusing or appropriation of the loan.

2. making payment and related expenses in accordance with the provisions set forth in this contract;

3. providing updated financial statement or financial bulletin every quarter; providing the audited financial report at the first quart of each year; providing operation report, financial report or other files and materials and shall warrant the reality, correct and effectiveness for the files and materials;

4. any anti-guaranty or other similar documents will not make any impact on the rights and benefits of the lenders;

5. accepting the supervision of the lender, provides assistance and cooperation for the lenders supervisions;

6. will not reduce the registration capital; prior approval from the lender shall be required when the borrower changes of shareholders and operation manner(including but not limited to joint venture, cooperation, jointly cooperation; dissolution, closedown, liquidation, transformation; merger; change to share company, use the housing, machinery or other real assets or trademark, intellectual property, knowhow, landing using rights or other intangible assets to invest in share company or investment company, trading of operation right or own right by contracting, joint operation, trusteeship)

7. the borrower shall inform the lender and warrants the liability under its security will not more than net assets of the borrower when the borrower guarantee for other party or mortgage its assets. the borrower warrants that will not dispose the assets which will make adverse impact on its ability of paying debts.

8. the borrower will not pay the other similar loans prior to the lender;

9. the borrower warrants to inform the lender immediately when the following events occurred:

(1) the event of breach of contract under this contract or other loan or guaranty contracts between the borrower and any branches of bank of china or other banks, non-bank financial organization;

(2) the borrower changes shareholders or revise the article of association;

(3) the borrower suffer difficulties and bad result in financial and operation;

(4) the borrower involves in material actions or arbitration;

10. the borrower shall keep sufficient balance for repayment prior [***] to the due date.

11. the borrower shall keep its bank transactions regarding income collection, sell foreign currency or buy foreign currency ect. shall be conducted at the lender or other branches of the lender. the turn-over for the capital shall satisfy the demand of the lender;

iii. the borrowers representations and warrants hereunder this contract shall be effective even though any mendment, supplements or revised to be made to this contract.

article 12 representations and warrants of the lender

i. the lender represents and warrants as follows:

1. the lender is a state-owned commercial bank or branch duly organized and validly existing under the law of p.r.c and approved by the industry and commercial administration and holds the financial institutions legal person licenses and financial institutions operation license to be qualified to operate financial business.

2. the lender has taken all necessary action to authorize the execution of this contract and performance of its obligations under this contract. the lender is duly authorized to extend this loan.

ii. the lender warrants as follows:

1. the lender shall extend the loan in accordance with the provisions set forth in this contract.

2. collect interests in accordance with the regulations of the peoples bank.

article 13 events of breach contract and settlement:

i. settlement of the borrower breach of contract

1. event of breach of contract:

(1) the borrower fails to use the loan in accordance with the agreed usage of the loan;

(2) the borrower fails to repay the due principal and pay the interests, expenses or other payable in accordance with the agreed term of this contract;

(3) the borrower breaches the representation and warrants set forth in article 11.

(4) the borrower breaches other loan agreements or guaranty agreements or the guarantor breach the guaranty agreement which may make impact the borrower to perform the obligations under this contract.

(5) conclusive evidence to show that the borrower lose the capacity of credit or during performance of the obligation under this contract, the financial conditions of the guarantor are seriously deteriorating or other reasons caused the guarantor the capacity of credit decline.

(6) the borrower breaches the other obligations under this contract.

2. under the above circumstances, the lender shall have right to:

(1) request the borrower to rectify within the period designed by the lender;

(2) cease in extending the loan or cancel the credit;

(3) declare the loan under this contract is due and the lender shall have right to deduct the outstanding amount from the account of the borrower. the borrower shall not appeal against the lender.

(4) declare the loan is due under other loan agreements between the lender and the borrower, request the borrower to repay the loan principals, interests, and other expenses.

ii. the settlement for the lender breach of the contract

1. the lender fails to extend the loan as agreed in this contract without any reasons;

2. the lender breaches the agreed interest rate and collection add interests or other fees;

3. the lender breaches the provisions set forth in article 12;

4. under the above circumstances, the borrower shall have right to:

(1) request the lender to rectify;

(2) repay the loan ahead of time and refuse to pay any compensation for prepayment.

article 14 deduction

the borrower shall pay in full for the payment without any counteraction or any condition.

article 15 assignment of the debt and credit

1. the borrower shall not assign its right and liability under this contract to other third party without any written approval of the lender;

2. in the event the borrower assign its right and liability under this contract to other third party under the written consent of the lender, the third party shall abide this contract without any condition.

article 16 performance of obligation and waiver of rights

1. the borrower is independent contractor under this contract, it will not impact by any other relations between the borrower with other party except the other provisions set forth in this contract.

2. the lender give any extension, toleration, favor to the borrower or permit the borrower to delay of performance any obligation under this contract shall not impair any rights of the lender in accordance with this contract and laws, regulation, it shall be deemed to have waived its rights under this contract and the obligation shall be performed by the borrower under this contract.

article 17 amendment, supplement and interpretation of the contract

1. this contract could be amended and supplemented upon the written agreements conclude by the parties. any a amendment and supplement shall be integral party of this contract.

2. in the event change of laws, regulations or legal practice which will cause any terms contained in this contract become illegal, invalid or loss of practice, the other part of this contract shall not be impaired by it. the both parties shall make efforts to change the illegal, invalid or loss of practice part.

3. for the matters not referred in this contract shall be construed in accordance with the provisions of the peoples bank of china.

article 18 dispute resolution, governing law and waiver of exemption

1. the conclusion, interpretation and dispute resolution shall be subject to the laws of the peoples republic of chin. the disputes arising from the execution of this contract shall be settled through friendly consultation by both parties. in case no settlement can be reached, the disputes shall be submitted to the peoples court of the location of the lender for judgment.

2. the borrower shall not reject any obligation during the settlement of disputes.

3. the execution and performance of this contract and the related transaction is civil behavior. the borrower shall not appeal to take action to exempt from the obligation under this contract.

(if both parties agree to apply arbitration, the above term shall be:)

1. the conclusion, interpretation and dispute resolution shall be subject to the laws of the peoples republic of chin. the dispute arising from the execution of this contract shall be settled through friendly consultation by both parties. in case no settlement can be reached, the disputes shall be submitted to china international economic and trade arbitration commission for arbitration.

2. the arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the arbitration law of peoples republic of china and provisional rules of procedure of china international economic and trade arbitration commission.

3. during the arbitration, this contract shall be effective and the borrower shall not disclaim the any obligations under this contract.

4. the execution and performance of this contract and the related transaction is civil behavior. the borrower shall not appeal to take action to exempt from the obligation under this contract.

article 19 other matter agreed by the parties.

article 20 appendices

the following appendices shall be integral part of this contract:

1. draw-down application

2. _______________________

article 21 notice

1. any notice, payment notice or telecommunications shall be forwarded to the following address:

to: the borrower: _________________

address: ______________________

post code: ____________________

fax: __________________________

to: the lender: ___________________

address: ______________________

post code: ____________________

fax: __________________________

2. if any change of address shall inform the other party immediately.

3. any notice, payment request or communication shall be forwarded to the above address. the dates on which notices shall be deemed to have been effectively given shall be determined as follows:

(1) if given in letter it shall be deemed effectively given on the fifth day after the date mailed by registered airmail, postage prepaid;

(2) if given by telex it shall be deemed effectively given on the date the other party returned the information;

(3) if given by facsimile it shall be deemed effectively given on the first date of transmission;

(4) if given by personal delivery it shall be deemed effectively given on the date of personal delivery; this contract become effective after signed by the authorized representatives of both parties until the loan and the interests and other related expenses be cleared up. this contract is executed in _____ original and be equally authentic.each of the borrower, the lender shall hold ____ copy.







surety :




this contract is made in line with the contract law of the people's republic of china and the general provisions of loans of the people's bank of china to specify the rights and obligations of parties involved.

借 贷 条 款

loan borrowing clause

第一条 借款金额。见36.1

article 1. amount of loan: refer to 36.1

第二条 借款用途。见36.2

article 2. purpose of loan: refer to 36.2

第三条 借款期限。

article 3. life of loan


3.1 refer to 36.3




3.2 a certificate of indebtedness or a loan voucher is an integral part of this contract. the date of advance and payment due date shall follow the date specified on the certificate of indebtedness or loan voucher . where there is any inconsistency between the stipulations on the certificate of indebtedness or loan voucher and the terms and conditions on this contract except date, the latter shall prevail.

第四条 借款划付。在借款人办妥借款手续后5个营业日内将全部款项划至借款人指定的账户,划付次数、时间、金额见 36.4 。

第五条 article 4 transferring of loan. the full amount of loan shall be transferred to an account designated by the borrower within 5 working days from the date of completing borrowing procedure. refer to 36.4 for the frequency, time and amount of transferring

第五条 借款利率和计息。

article 5. interest rate of loan and calculation

5.1借款利率。本合同项下借款利率根据国家有关规定,确定利率见_36_.5 。遇利率调整时,借款期限在1年(含)以下的,执行合同利率,不分段计息;借款期限在1年以上的,实行分段计息,从利率调整的次年1月1日开始,按相应利率的档次执行新的利率;如借款人未按约定时间归还借款本息或未按合同约定用途使用借款,贷款人将按国家规定对借款人计收罚息,罚息率见36.6。

5.1 interest rate of loan: the interest rate under this contract is specified in 36.5 in line with relevant rules. in case of change of interest rate, the interest rate stipulated in the contract shall prevail for loans with a life of less than or equal to one year; for loans with a life exceeding one year, the interest shall be calculated on a multi-stage basis, i.e. from next jan. 1st following the adjustment of interest rate, the new rate shall prevail. in case the borrower fails to repay the principal and interest before the due date, or fails to use the loan for purposes as agreed in this contract, the lender shall be entitled to collect default interest in line with relevant rules. the default interest rate is specified in 36.6.


5.2 in case of calculating interest on multi-stage basis due to adjustment of interest rate, the lender shall be entitled to adjust the interest rate on his own without further notice to the borrower.

第六条 还款方式。

article 6 type of repayment of loan

6.1借款人应在贷款人开设帐户,户名和帐号见 36.7 ,并保证在每次还款日前足额存入当期应还款项的存款。借款人在此授权贷款人从借款人该帐户中扣收借款本金、利息和可能发生的复利、罚息、违约金、保费、损害赔偿金及实现债权的费用(含律师费和诉讼费)。如该帐户资产不足以归还到期的贷款本息,贷款人有权从借款人在中国工商

银行任何分支机构开立的任何帐户划收。 6.1 the borrower should open an account with the lender( the account name and account number are specified in 36.7.) and promise to deposit sufficient money for repayment before each due date. the borrower hereby authorizes the lender to collect , if any, compound interest, default interest, liquidated damage, premium, compensation and expenses arising from the realization of creditor’s right (including lawyer’s fee and court expense)in addition to due principal and interest of loan. in case the asset in this account is not enough for repayment of due principal and interest, the lender shall be entitled to collect from any account opened by the borrower with any branch of icbc.

6.2贷款人与借款人双方商定,自贷款发放次月起,借款人按月归还贷款本息(一次性还本付息除外),还款期数及还款方式见 36.8 。

6.2 the borrower shall repay the principal and interest on a monthly basis (except repaying principal and interest in a lump sum) from the second month following the issuing of loan , as agreed between the borrower and lender. the repayment tenors and type are specified in 36.8.


6.3 in case of multi-stage calculation of interest as specified in 5.1 due to adjustment of interest rate during the life of loan, the repayment amount for loans with a life exceeding one year shall be recalculated on the basis of balance of unpaid loan and the rest of repayment tenor from next jan. 1st following the adjustment of interest rate.


6.4 repayment of the loan ahead of schedule by the borrower shall be subject to written consent from the lender. the interest of prepaid amount should be calculated on the basis of rate specified in this contract and actual days.

第七条 担保方式。本合同的担保人及担保方式见 36.9。具体约定由本合同中相应的担保条款确足。

article 7 guaranty type. the guarantor and guaranty type under this contract is specified in 36.9. the specific stipulations are stated in corresponding guaranty clauses.

第八条 借款人的权利、义务。

article 8 rights and obligations of the borrower.






目 录

第一条 定义 第九条 保证和索赔

第二条 合同围内容和范围 第十条 保密

第三条 合同价格 第十一条 侵权

第四条 支付条件 第十二条 税费

第五条 技术服务和培训 第十三条 不可抗力

第六条 技术资料 第十四条 仲裁

第七条 考核与验收 第十五条 适用法律

第八条 技术改进 第十六条 合同有效期

附 件

附件一 专利资料的名称、内容和申请情况

附件二 合同产品的型号、规格和技术参数

附件三 提成资的起算时间和计算方法

附件四 出让方查帐的内容和方法

附件五 对甲方人员的培训计划

附件六 乙方派遣专家的技术服务计划

附件七 产品考核验收办法







第一条 定义












第二条 合同的内容和范围









第三条 合同价格








第四条 支付条件







第五条 技术服务和培训













第六条 技术资料






第七条 考核与验收

7.1.合同产品的第一台样机,由甲、乙双方组成的联合考核小组,按附件七规定的时间和内容进行考核。如果符合附件一规定的技术要求,即可验收,并由双方代表签署合同产品考核 验收合格证书一式4份,双方各执两份。





第八条 技术改进




第九条 保证和索赔












第十条 保密




第十一条 侵权



第十二条 税费



第十三条 不可抗力




第十四条 仲裁






第十五条 适用法律


第十六条 合同有效期





甲方:______ 乙方:______

代表:____ 代表。:____


patent license contract

con tract no:

conclusion date:

conclusion place:


article 1 defininitions article 9 guarantees and claims

article 2 scope of the contract article 10confidentiality

article 3 price of the contract article 11infringements

article 4 conditions of payment article 12 taxes andduties

articfe 5 technical service and training article 13 forcemajeure

article 6 technical documentation article 14 arbitration

article 7 verification and acceptance article 15 app1icable law

article 8 technical improvement article 16 duration


appendis 1 name, content of patent documents and application of the patents

appendix 2 models, specifications and technical lndices of the contract product

appendix 3 the starting date and counting methods of royalty

appendix 4 the content and method of licensor’s auditing

appendix 5 training of party a’s personnel

appendix 6 technical service or specialist send by party b

appendix 7 verification and acceptance of the contract product this contract made____

on_____________ day of____________,by and be-tween __________,organized and existing

under the laws of the people’s republic of china. with rehistered office at (hereinafter

referred to as party a) of the first part and __________,organized and existing under

the laws of ____________,with its principal office at________________.


whereas the patent right which said in the contract os owned by party b.

whereas party b has the right and agreed to grant paryt a the rights to use,

manufac-ture and sell the contract products of the ppatented technology;

whereas party a hope to use the patented technology of party b to manufacture and sell

thecontract products;

both parties authorized representatives, through friendly negotiation, have agree

to en-ter into this contract under the ertms as stipulated below;

artide 1 definitions

for the purpose of this contract, the following terms have the following meanings;

1.1.‘patented technology’means those letters patent, and applications therefor

presently owned or hereafter acquired by party b and/or which party bhas or may have the

rigt to control or grant license thereof during the term hereof in any or all countries

of the world and which are applicable to or may be used in the manufacture of cotract


1.2. ‘contract products’mians the products described in appendis2 annexed hereto,

to-gether with all improvements and modifications thereof or developments with respect


1.3. ‘patty a’means____________. or his legal representative, agent and inhetitor

to theproperty of the company.

1.4. ‘party b’ means___________,or his legal representative,agent and inheritor,

to the property of the company.

1.5. ‘the contraet factory’ means the place which party party a manufactures the

contract products. that is_______________.

1.6.‘spare p`menas replacement parts for contract products or for any part there-of.

1.7. ‘components’means those components and parts of contruct produets which par-ty

b has agreed or may from time to time agree in writing to permit party a to manufacture

or sell.

1.8. ‘technical documents’meane engineering, manufacturing and originating

inforna-tion relatiog to the manufacture and servicing of contract products, including

drawings, blueprints,design sheets, material specifications,

photographs, photostats and general da-ta, and designs and pecifications relating

to manufacturing contract producdts, tools and fix-tures, but includes,however, only

such information as is available to party b and applicable to the operations of party a

under this contract which detaile as per appendis 1 to the con-tract.

1.9 ‘net selling price’ menans remaining amount of invoice value of the

contractprod-ucts, after deduction of packahing, installation and freight charges,

trade and discount,commission,insurance and taxes and duties. if any, directly

applicable to the prdduct.

1.l0 ‘the date of coming into effect of the contract’means the date of raification

ofthe contract by the managing constructure of the parties or by the competent

authorities ofboth parties, whichever comes later.

article2 scope of the contract

2.1. party a agrees to acquire from party b and party b agrees to transfer to party a

the patented technology for contract products. such patented technology shall be in exact

accordance with the technologyof party b’s latest products.

2.2 party b grants party a the non-exclusive right to design and manufacture

contractproducts in china and to markdt the said products in china and abroad.

2.3 party b shall be responsible to provide party a with documents relevant to the

saidpaptents and with special fittings of the samplemachine their concrete details and

schedule ofdelivary being set out in appendix 2 to the contract.

2.4 the contract does not cover the patented technology for the parts from other


but party b shall provide party a with the specimens and the tecincal specifications and

the name of the manufacturers of the parts.

2.5 party b shall be responsible for the training of party a’s technicl personnel

in party b’s relevant facilities and also do its best to enable party a’s technical

personnel to masterthe patented technplogy of the aforesaid contract product (details as

per appendix 5 to the contract).

2.6 party b is obliged to send at its own expense technical personnel to party a’s

facto-ry for technical service (details as per appendix 6 to the contract).

2.7 if it is required by party a. pafrty b shall be under an obligation to provide

party aat the most favourable price wity parts, accessories, raw materials, fittings,

etc. for con-trade mark the two parties.

2.8 party b grants party a the rignt to use party b’s trade mark, and use the

combinedtrade,mark of both parties or mark the wouding ’production according to

licensor’s licence’on the contract produets.

article 3 price of the contract

3.1 price of the contract shall be calculated on royalty in accordance with the

content and scope sipulated in artice 2 to the contract and shall be paid in___________.

3.2 royalty under the contract shall be paid from__________ months after the the date

ofcoming into effect of the contract in terms of calendar year. the date of settling

accountsshallbe 31,december of each year.

3.3 royalty at the rate of__________ % (___________percent ) shall be calcuated in

terms ofnet selling price after the contract products are sold in this year,the contract

products which not sold shall not be included.

3.4 the report of the selling quantity, net selling amount of the contract products

androyalty which should be paid in last year shall be submitted to party b in written

form by party a within 10 (ten) days after the date of settling accounts to royalty. the

specific methods which calculatenet selling amountand royalty are detailed in appendix 3

to the contract.

3.5 the contract products sold by party a pursuant to the patent license herein

granted shall be deemed to have been sold when paid for.

3.6 if the contract products are returned or allowances made thereon after the royalty

thereon has been paid party a shall be entitled to take ppropriate erdit for such

overpay-mentagainst royalties thereafter accruing.

3.7 if party b demand to audit the accounts of party a,it shall notice party a within

l0(ten) days after receiving the written notice of party a in accordance with article

3.4 of the contract.the speeific content and procedure of auditing accounts are

detailed in appendix 4 tothe contract.

article 4 couditions of payment

4.1 royalty stipulated in section 3 to the contract shall be effected by party a to

arty bthrough the bank____________(here it is the business bank of party a, and the bank

_________(here it is the busines bank of party b), payrnent shall be settled in________.

4.2 party b shall immediately issue the related documents ofter receiving the written

notieesubmitted by party a in accordance with artiele 3.4 of the contract, the royalty

shall be paid by party a to party b within 30(thirty) days after party a has received the

fol-lowing documents whichare provided by party b and found them in confoumity with the

stipulations of thcontract.

a. four copies of the statement on calculation of the royalty;

b. four copies of the commercial invoice;

c. two copies of the sight draft.

4.3 party a shall have the right to deduct from any of the above mentioned payment the

ppenalties and/or compensations which party b shall pay in accordance with the

stipulations ofthe contract.

articie 5 technical service and training

5.1 technicgl service

5.1. l during the validity period of the contract, party b shall send a specialist to

partya`s factory to explain the drawings and technical documents and to provide teehnical

servise indesigning.manufacturing, adjustment,inspection and maintenance of the

contracted pro-duet so to eheble party a to use, as fast as possible, home materials

and raw components without affeeting the properties of the products so manufactured.

5.1.2 party b shall twice send it’s specialists to party a’s factory to provlde

technicalservice for a total of 30 working days man.

5.l.3 the first technical service sha1l start in the sixth month after the contrayt

comesinto effect. party b shall send a specialist to party a’s factory to provide

technical service for 12 working days/man.

5.1.4 the second technical service shall start during the verification of the

cortractedproduets.parth b shall send a specialist to party a’s factory to provide

technical servicefor18 working days/man.

5.1.5 party b shall, for its specialists, bear their travelling expensee. partha

shall be responsible for boarding and lodging and affording the means of conveyance from

the lodgingplace to the factoty.

5.2 technical training

5.2 1 party b shall train party a’s technical personnel so as to enable them to

masterparty b’s design, performance test and technology in machining, erection and

inspection of the contracted products, so that party a can use the technical documents

and know-how supplied by party b toproducethe same products in the contract factory.

party b shall do its best to arrange for party a’s personnel to visit the majorusers

and the manufacturing process of the components from other countries of the contracted


5.2.2 party a shall send twice its technical personnel to party b’s factory for

training, andthe total number of the participants shall not exceed 320 days/man

(excluding the inter-preter).

5.2.3 the first training shall be from the third to the fourth month after the

contract comes into effect. there shall be 4 technical persons and an interpreterto be

sent to party b for training for 16o working days/man (5 days week). the training shall

cover the design of the contracted products and manufacturing technology.

5.2.4 the second training shall be from the eighth to the nineth month. party a shall

sent 4 technical persons and an interpreter to party b’s factory for training for 160

working days/man (5 days per week). the training shall cover the designing, the

manufacturing technology,erection and adjustment of the contracted products.

5.2.5 party a shall bear the travelling expenses of its trainees; party b shall

provide party a’s trainees free of charge with boarding, lodging and means of

conveyance for travel- ling between the lodging place and the factory.

article 6 technical documents

6.1 party b shall, according to the delivery schedule and details stpulated in

appendix 2to the contract, deliver the documents at________________.

6.2 the date stamped by the air transportation ageney at____________,shll be taken

as the actual date of delivery paryt a shall send to party b a photostat copy of the

airconsignment note shwing the stampde date of arrival.

6.3 within twenty-four hours after the despatch of each lot of the technical documente,

party b shal1 notify party a by cable or telex of the contract number, number and date

of the air consignment note, items of the documents, number of pieces, airmail to

party a two copies of each of the air consignment note and detaikled list of the

technical documents.

6.4 if the technical documents are foumd lost, damaged or mutilated during air

trans-portation, party b shall supply party a free of charge with a second lot of

documents within thechortest possible time but not later than thirty days after it has

received from party a the writtennotice. within sixty days after party a has received

the documents from party b,if party a does not declare the shortage and request to

cover the same, it is considered asa-cepted.

6.5 the technical documents shall be in english and based on metric system of


article 7 verification and acceptance

7.1 the verification test on the first samplemachine of the contracted product shall

be carried out by the joint group consisting of party a’s and party b’s representatives

accordingto the schedule and contents stipulated in appendix 7 to the contract. lf the

performance of the contracted product is in conformity with the technical specifications

stipulated in ap-pendix 1, such testshall be considersd as qualified and the

representatives of both parties shll sign the inspection and testing certificate for the

proper performance of the contracted product in quadruplicate, 2copies for each party.

7.2 if the verification test demonstrates that the performance of the contracted

prod-uct isnot in conformity with prescribed technical specifications, both parties

shall, throughamicable negotiations,make a joint study of and analyse the cause and

take measures to e-liminate the defects and carry out asecond test. when the second test

demonstuates tha the performance is qualified, both parties shall sign a testing

certificate for the proper perfot- mance

7.3 if party b is responsible for the failure of the first test, party b shall send

at ist own expense technical ersonnel for the second test.

7.4 if the second test fails again and the failure is attributed to party b, party b

shallindemnify party a for any losses sustained and shall take effective measures to

eliminate thedefects and carry out a third test.

7.5 if the third test again fails, and if party b is responsible for the failure,

party a has the right to terminate the contract at its discretion and lodge claims as

stipulated ih article9.if the responsibility for the failure lies with party a, the two

parties shall negotiate as tohow to further implement the contract.

article 8 technical improvements

8.1 if the technical documents provided by party b are not applicable to party a’s

actualproduction condidions (such as design standards, raw materials, purchased parts

for the ma-chine, production facilitie), party b is obliged to assist party a in

modifying the technicaldocuments and confirm the same. upon the condition that the

properties of the contracted products are not affected, raw materials, fittings and

equipmint of chinese origin may be used.

8.2 during the currency of the contract. if eithet of the two parties effets improve-

ments on or developments of the products within the xcope stipulated in the contract,

thd said party shall submit, free of charge, to the other party the technological

information con-cernign such improvements or developments.

8.3 the ownership of such improvements on or developments of the ontracted product

shall belong to the party who has effected such improvements or develpments. the othe

paryt shall not apply for patent ortransfer the same to any third arty.

article 9 guarantees and claims

9.1 party b guarantees that the technical documents to be supplied by party b are the

latest technical information which has been put into practical use by party b. party b

also undertakesto supply to party a in time the technical information relevant to any

develop-ment of or improvement on the contracted product.

9.2 party b guarantees that the technical documents to be supplied by party b are

com-plete,correct,legible and are to be despatched in time.

9.3 if the documents suppied by party b are not in conformity with the stipulation

in article 6, party b shall, within the shortext possible time but not later than 3o

days after re-ceipt of party a’s written notice, despatch free of charge to party a

the missing or the cor- rcet and legible technical socuments.

9.4 if party b fails to despatch the said documents within the stipulated period as

per appendix 2 party b shall pay penalty to party a in the following proportions:

(a)...percent of the total contract price for delay from 1 to 4 weeks.

(b)...percent of the total contract price for delay form 5 to 8 weeks.

(c)...percent of the total contract price for delay exceeding weeks;

9.5 the payment of penalties by party b to party a as stipulated in article 9 shll

not releve party b of its obligation to deliver the said documents.

9.6 whenever the delay in delivering the said documents exceeds 6 months, party a

shall be entitled to terminate the contract at its discretion and party b shall be

obliged to re- fund party a all its payments together with the corresponding ingerest

at the rate of... per-cent per annum.

9.7 if the verification tests fail with the responsibility lying with party b and

if,as theresult,party a cannot start normal production with the contract having to be

terminated, party b shall erfund all the payments previously made by party a to party b

together with the interest at the rate of... percent per annum.

9.8 if only some aspects of the properties of the product are not up to the standards

asstipulated in the contract and the responsibility lies with party b, party b shall

compensate party a with ... percent of the total contract price according to concredt

circumstances. ifthe responsibility lies with party a, party a shall pay the total

contract price in accordancewith the stipulations.

article 10 confidentiality

10. 1 all drawings, designs, specifications and all other technical information

made available under this contract by party b shall be kept strictly confidential by

party a who.shall not sell, transfer or divulge it in any manner to anyone except

those of its own employ-ees who will be using it in the manufacture of the products,

without prior written consent ofparty b. party a may. however,supply such technical

information to its subcontractor to the extent necessary for such subcontractor to

manufacture parts of contract products,pro-vidingthat party a shall have such

subcontractor agree, in writing, to hold suchnical information strictly in confidence.

10.2 ln case any part (s) or all of the above-mentioned technical information have

been madepublic by party b or any third party. party a shall be thus released form the

responsi-bilityfor keeping secret the part(s) or all of the technology already published.

10.3 after the termination of the contract, party a shall have the rigbt to use

theatents supplide by b, i. e. paryt a shall still have the right to design,

manufacture,use,and export contract products.

article 11 infringement

11.1 party b guarantees that it is the legitimate owner of the patent to the

stipulations of the contract, and that it is lawfully in a position to transfer the

patent to party a. of accusation of infringing the rights of a third party occurs,

party b shall be responsible for the matter and fully the legal and

economicresponsibilities trising therefrom

11.2 a complete list of party b’s patents and patent applications relevant to

contrarct product are specified in appendixl to the contract. within one month after the

contract has comeinto force party b shall despatch to party a two photostat copies of

the letters patentsand patent application(s).

article l2 taxes and duties

12.1 ail taxes, customs duties and other excises arising in connection with the

perfor-mance of the contract outside the territory of party a’s country shall be borne

by partyb.

12.2 in the execution of the contract, any income made by party b within the

territory of china shall be subject to taxation according to the tax laws of the people`s

republic of china.

article l3 force majeure

13.1 if either of the contracting parties is prevented from executing the contract

by forcer majeure events such as war, serious flood, fire, typhoon and earthquake,

or other events agreed upon between both parties, the term for the execution of the

contract may be extenede by a period equal to that affected by the event(s).

13.2 the involred party shall notify the other party by telex or cable within the

shortest possible time of the occurrence of the force majeure event and within l4 days

thereaftersend by registered airmail to the other party a certificate issued by the

relevant competent authori- ties for confirmation by theother party.

13.3 should the force majeure event last more than one hundred and twenty(120)con-

secutive days,both, parties shall settle the question of further exccution of the

contract through friendly negotiations as soonas possible.

article l4 arbitration

14.1 all disputes arisint from the execution of or in connection with the cotract

shallbesettled through fricndly consultations between both parties. in case no settlement

can be reached through consultations, then the disputes shall be submitted to


14.2 the arbitration shall take place in stockholm, sweden, and be conducted by

thearbitration tribunal of thestockholm chamber of commerce in accordance with the

statutes of the said tribunal.

14.3 the arbitration award shall be final and binding upon both parties.

l4.4 the arbitiation fee shall be borne by the losing party.

l4.5 if the arbitration involves only a part of the contract, then in the course of

arbitra-tion, the execution of the contract shall be continued except the part which is

under arbit ra-tion.

article 15 applicable law

this contract shall be governed by the laws if the people’s republic of china as tothe

interpretation and performance of the contract.

articl l6 duration

16.1 the contrant os signed on may 8, 1993, by authorized represenatives of botb


after the contract has been signed, the two parties shall apply to their respective

the managing onstructure of the parties or government authorities for apprval. the date

of ap-proval last obtained shall be taken as the date of effectiveness of the contract.

both partfies shallexert their best efforts to obtain the approval within sixty (60)

says and inform the oth-er party by telex and thereafter confirm the same by letter. if

the contract can not come into affect within six (6) months after the date of signing,

both parties are entitlid to consider themselves absolved from the contract.

16.2 tbe contract shall be valid for ten (10) years beginning from the date of its

be-comingeffective, and shall become null and void automatically upon the expiry of the

validity period of the contract.

16.3 the termination of this contract shall not affect in any way the outstanding

claims and the liabilities

existing between the two parties upon the expiry of the validity of the contractand

the debtor shall be kept liable until he fully pays up his debts to the creditor.

the contract is made out in chinese and in englsh. in case of doubt as to









surety :




this contract is made in line with the contract law of the peoples republic of china and the general provisions of loans of the peoples bank of china to specify the rights and obligations of parties involved.

借 贷 条 款

loan borrowing clause

第一条 借款金额。见36.1

article 1. amount of loan: refer to 36.1

第二条 借款用途。见36.2

article 2. purpose of loan: refer to 36.2

第三条 借款期限。

article 3. life of loan


3.1 refer to 36.3



3.2 a certificate of indebtedness or a loan voucher is an integral part of this contract. the date of advance and payment due date shall follow the date specified on the certificate of indebtedness or loan voucher . where there is any inconsistency between the stipulations on the certificate of indebtedness or loan voucher and the terms and conditions on this contract except date, the latter shall prevail.

第四条 借款划付。在借款人办妥借款手续后5个营业日内将全部款项划至借款人指定的账户,划付次数、时间、金额见 36.4 .

第五条 article 4 transferring of loan. the full amount of loan shall be transferred to an account designated by the borrower within 5 working days from the date of completing borrowing procedure. refer to 36.4 for the frequency, time and amount of transferring

第五条 借款利率和计息。

article 5. interest rate of loan and calculation

5.1借款利率。本合同项下借款利率根据国家有关规定,确定利率见36。5 .遇利率调整时,借款期限在1年(含)以下的,执行合同利率,不分段计息;借款期限在1年以上的,实行分段计息,从利率调整的次年1月1日开始,按相应利率的档次执行新的利率;如借款人未按约定时间归还借款本息或未按合同约定用途使用借款,贷款人将按国家规定对借款人计收罚息,罚息率见36.6.

5.1 interest rate of loan: the interest rate under this contract is specified in 36.5 in line with relevant rules. in case of change of interest rate, the interest rate stipulated in the contract shall prevail for loans with a life of less than or equal to one year; for loans with a life exceeding one year, the interest shall be calculated on a multi-stage basis, i.e. from next jan. 1st following the adjustment of interest rate, the new rate shall prevail. in case the borrower fails to repay the principal and interest before the due date, or fails to use the loan for purposes as agreed in this contract, the lender shall be entitled to collect default interest in line with relevant rules. the default interest rate is specified in 36.6.


5.2 in case of calculating interest on multi-stage basis due to adjustment of interest rate, the lender shall be entitled to adjust the interest rate on his own without further notice to the borrower.

第六条 还款方式。

article 6 type of repayment of loan

6.1借款人应在贷款人开设帐户,户名和帐号见 36.7 ,并保证在每次还款日前足额存入当期应还款项的存款。借款人在此授权贷款人从借款人该帐户中扣收借款本金、利息和可能发生的复利、罚息、违约金、保费、损害赔偿金及实现债权的费用(含律师费和诉讼费)如该帐户资产不足以归还到期的贷款本息,贷款人有权从借款人在中国工商银行任何分支机构开立的任何帐户划收。

6.1 the borrower should open an account with the lender( the account name and account number are specified in 36.7.) and promise to deposit sufficient money for repayment before each due date. the borrower hereby authorizes the lender to collect , if any, compound interest, default interest, liquidated damage, premium, compensation and expenses arising from the realization of creditors right (including lawyers fee and court expense)in addition to due principal and interest of loan. in case the asset in this account is not enough for repayment of due principal and interest, the lender shall be entitled to collect from any account opened by the borrower with any branch of icbc.

6.2贷款人与借款人双方商定,自贷款发放次月起,借款人按月归还贷款本息(一次性还本付息除外),还款期数及还款方式见 36.8 .

6.2 the borrower shall repay the principal and interest on a monthly basis (except repaying principal and interest in a lump sum) from the second month following the issuing of loan , as agreed between the borrower and lender. the repayment tenors and type are specified in 36.8.


6.3 in case of multi-stage calculation of interest as specified in 5.1 due to adjustment of interest rate during the life of loan, the repayment amount for loans with a life exceeding one year shall be recalculated on the basis of balance of unpaid loan and the rest of repayment tenor from next jan. 1st following the adjustment of interest rate.


6.4 repayment of the loan ahead of schedule by the borrower shall be subject to written consent from the lender. the interest of prepaid amount should be calculated on the basis of rate specified in this contract and actual days.

第七条 担保方式。本合同的担保人及担保方式见 36.9.具体约定由本合同中相应的担保条款确足。

article 7 guaranty type. the guarantor and guaranty type under this contract is specified in 36.9. the specific stipulations are stated in corresponding guaranty clauses.

第八条 借款人的权利、义务。

article 8 rights and obligations of the borrower.


8.1 rights of the borrower.


obtain and use the loan for the period and purposes as agreed in this contract.





随着市场经济的发展,经济生活较为宽裕,资金使用效益被受到重视,民间债权债务关系日趋增多。那么,怎样才能较好的保护民间债权债务关系的合法有序以及当事人的合法权益呢?我们的处理经验是 :






